Invincible Anarchy

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Item Despawn Ratio
This is the config page for item despawn ratio. It is the time it takes for items to vanish, after being dropped, in ticks.

        activator_rail: 120
        andesite: 440
        anvil: 6000
        beacon: 6000
        bee_nest: 6000
        beehive: 6000
        bell: 6000
        black_carpet: 120
        black_shulker_box: 6000
        blue_carpet: 120
        blue_shulker_box: 6000
        bow: 6000
        brown_carpet: 120
        brown_shulker_box: 6000
        cactus: 440
        chainmail_boots: 6000
        chainmail_chestplate: 6000
        chainmail_helmet: 6000
        chainmail_leggings: 6000
        cobbled_deep_slate: 440
        cobblestone: 440
        conduit: 6000
        creeper_head: 6000
        crossbow: 6000
        cyan_carpet: 120
        cyan_shulker_box: 6000
        deep_slate: 440
        detector_rail: 120
        diamond: 6000
        diamond_axe: 6000
        diamond_block: 6000
        diamond_boots: 6000
        diamond_chestplate: 6000
        diamond_helmet: 6000
        diamond_hoe: 6000
        diamond_horse_armor: 6000
        diamond_leggings: 6000
        diamond_ore: 6000
        diamond_pickaxe: 6000
        diamond_shovel: 6000
        diamond_sword: 6000
        diorite: 440
        dirt: 440
        dragon_breath: 6000
        dragon_egg: 6000
        dragon_head: 6000
        elytra: 6000
        emerald_block: 6000
        enchanted_golden_apple: 6000
        end_crystal: 6000
        ender_chest: 6000
        experience_bottle: 6000
        firework_rocket: 6000
        firework_star: 6000
        fishing_rod: 6000
        ghast_tear: 6000
        gold_block: 6000
        golden_apple: 6000
        granite: 440
        gray_carpet: 120
        gray_shulker_box: 6000
        green_carpet: 120
        green_shulker_box: 6000
        heart_of_the_sea: 6000
        honey_block: 6000
        honeycomb: 6000
        honeycomb_block: 6000
        iron_block: 6000
        light_blue_carpet: 120
        light_blue_shulker_box: 6000
        light_gray_carpet: 120
        light_gray_shulker_box: 6000
        lime_carpet: 120
        lime_shulker_box: 6000
        lingering_potion: 6000
        magenta_carpet: 120
        magenta_shulker_box: 6000
        music_disc_11: 6000
        music_disc_13: 6000
        music_disc_blocks: 6000
        music_disc_cat: 6000
        music_disc_chirp: 6000
        music_disc_far: 6000
        music_disc_mall: 6000
        music_disc_mellohi: 6000
        music_disc_pigstep: 6000
        music_disc_stal: 6000
        music_disc_strad: 6000
        music_disc_wait: 6000
        music_disc_ward: 6000
        name_tag: 6000
        nautilus_shell: 6000
        nether_star: 6000
        netherite_axe: 6000
        netherite_block: 6000
        netherite_boots: 6000
        netherite_chestplate: 6000
        netherite_helmet: 6000
        netherite_hoe: 6000
        netherite_ingot: 6000
        netherite_leggings: 6000
        netherite_pickaxe: 6000
        netherite_scrap: 6000
        netherite_shovel: 6000
        netherite_sword: 6000
        netherrack: 440
        obsidian: 6000
        orange_carpet: 120
        orange_shulker_box: 6000
        pink_carpet: 120
        pink_shulker_box: 6000
        potion: 6000
        powered_rail: 120
        purple_carpet: 120
        purple_shulker_box: 6000
        rail: 120
        red_carpet: 120
        red_shulker_box: 6000
        respawn_anchor: 6000
        saddle: 6000
        scute: 6000
        sea_lantern: 6000
        shulker_box: 6000
        shulker_shell: 6000
        skeleton_skull: 6000
        slime_block: 6000
        splash_potion: 6000
        sponge: 6000
        sticky_piston: 6000
        tnt: 6000
        tnt_minecart: 6000
        totem_of_undying: 6000
        trapped_chest: 6000
        trident: 6000
        turtle_egg: 6000
        turtle_helmet: 6000
        wet_sponge: 6000
        white_carpet: 120
        white_shulker_box: 6000
        wither_skeleton_skull: 6000
        written_book: 6000
        yellow_carpet: 120
        yellow_shulker_box: 6000